Sunday, August 25, 2013

Two College Girls Staging a Comeback?

Hi guys!
My files have FINALLY been recovered on my computer so I can finally work on writing a new entry to be released as soon as possible. I also am planning to write another blog similar to this which I will include the link to in the about me. I hope you all are well and ready to read more of two college girls! :D

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dear Readers

Dear Readers,
I've been experiencing techical difficulties which have been causing me to lose some of my entries to this blog. Until I'm able to rewrite them, there will be no two college girls on there.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Is There Room For Me On Cloud Nine?

Ahh, Cloud Nine. It's the place where couples go when they first get together, and lie together. They act like there's no wrong in the world, and that they could have never face the wrongs of the world when they have each other. Couples stay there for what could be forever. They go mad, forgetting their cares, worries and responsibilities. Their life now consists of that person, forever. Escaping back to the cold harsh reality may forever scare them so they stay when they are safe and comfortable.
Michael and I met at our usual spot. We go there after classes to escape the crowding of the campus, to truly be alone. We usually made out, never really able to find the words to figure out how they really feel. Our lips did all of the talking and boy, oh boy, we were having a wonderful conversation.
“So”, I said, pulling away from his lips.
“So”, he said, leaning in to kiss me again.
“When are you going to meet Chelsea?”
He kissed me, clearly avoiding the subject. I pulled away again.
“Baby, I'm serious,” I said. “She really wants to meet you. I really want to her to meet you. It's a big deal to me.”
“I know”, he said. He sighed. “It's just I'm not sure that she'd like me.”
“Of course she'll like you”, I assured him.
“I'm not so sure, baby”, he said.
I smiled and kissed his cheek. I liked when he called my baby. It made the little hairs on my arm stand up. “I think she will. The longer you procrastinate, the worst of you will be, you know.”
He glared at me playfully. “It's meeting your friend, not waiting until the last minute to write a ten page paper, Alexis.”
“Please, baby”, I pleaded, my eyes were wide and innocent like a puppy's.
“Alright”, he said. “I have to watch out for those eyes. Their dangerous!”
I chuckled. “I have a weapon, and I know how to use it.”
He smiled. “You always know how to play on my Archille's Heal.”
I smiled. “I'm your weakness?”
He blushed, his pale snow white cheeks filling with rose color. “Yes, you're my weakness.” We kissed.
My phone began to vibrate endlessly. It's been doing that for the last twenty minutes. I thought that it was dead or something.
“Babe, you better get that”, Michael said.
I rolled my eyes. “Fine”, I said. I clicked the home button on my iPhone. It wasn't the battery. It was Chelsea. Twenty messages, half of them asking where was I, in addition to two missed calls.
Then, it dawned on me. I was supposed to meet her ten minutes ago. Crap.
“Babe, I gotta go”, I said, as I frantically gathered my stuff.
“Go?” he said. “Where do you have to go?” He looked confused.
“I was supposed to meet Chelsea ten minutes ago.”
“Oh”, he said.
He said nothing as I rushed.
I was about three yards away from him when I suddenly heard him call my name frantically. I turned.
He smiled my favorite smile of his. “Just say when.”
I looked at him, confused.
“To meet Chelsea. Like you said, she's important. If she's important to you, then she's important to me as well.”
I smiled. “Thank you”, I said.

I found Chelsea by the dining hall, with an annoyed expression plastered on her face. Not that I blamed her, because I was the one that was late. I had broken the girl code.
“Where the hell were you?” she asked. “We ALWAYS have plans to go for lunch!” She took one look at my red rosy cheeks. “Oh, you met with the art dude.” The art dude, meaning Michael.
“Sorry. I lost track of time”, I said.
“Geez. It's like you've gone mad ever since you've started going out with that hipster dude it's like it's consumed you completely. It's all you care about. Is there room for me on cloud nine, Alexis?”
“I said I was sorry.”
She sighed. “It's whatever. Let's go eat. I'm starving and I have class in a half of an hour.”
“Chelsea”, I said.
“Yes”, she said. Her harsh expression was beginning to melt like an ice cream cone left out on a hot summer day.
“He wants to meet you.”
“He does, does he?” she asked, swiping her card.
“Yes”, I said, following suite.
“Okay, tell him to come by tomorrow.”
And all of a sudden, I realized that my actions had consequences. I realized that I was living in a world with only Michael being the center, being the sun and moon. And that wasn't a relationship. That was just simply lust.
I think it was time for me to check out of my room at Hotel Cloud Nine.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Due to my overload of work and studying, there will be no 2 College Girls this week. I'll try to do two for next week.
Good luck on finals everyone!

Friday, April 26, 2013


The beginning of a new relationship always reminded me of spring. It reminded me of a new beginning. It was like a blank notebook when there wasn't any ink to darken the pages, just blank smoothness.
Dating Michael was different then dating John. John and I were that couple that everyone knew that they would automatically get there and have the kids. Our high school classmates used to laugh and say “see you at the wedding.” Michael and I were looked at the new hipster couple on campus.
“You bounce back fast”, Chelsea said one night, as I got in. She was painting her nails a dark mocha color. It was perfect for fall.
“You're the one that wanted to me to live the single life”, I said. “And also, you were the one that literally pushed me out of bed. Don't you remember that?”
“I also figured you weren't going to be with a rebound guy so quickly.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” I asked.
“Nothing, just nothing.”
“You know Chelsea, if you have something to say you better just say it!” I shouted.
“Shhh, Alexis. It's quiet hours now remember.”
“Fine.” I talked in a more calm manner. “If you have something to say to me about my life, which is mine, you better just say it. I don't say anything about your lifestyles, and I really would like it if you would respect my life.”
“I respect you Alexis.”
“Then what?”
“I'm just worried about you.”
“Why?” he asked.
“It's like you've forgotten about John,” she said. “You went to mourning him to drowning yourself into this new guy. Who I've never even met, but I can tell you that he's not good for you. Alexis, he smokes cigarettes! That's bad!”
“What he does isn't your business, Chelsea.”
“What you do is.”
“Is not.”
“Is too. Alexis, you're like my sister. I can't help but worry when something happens to you. I want to help try to prevent it.”
“What I do, and mostly importantly who I'm with doesn't concern you.”
“Fine”, I snapped. I didn't speak to her for the rest of the night. That was our first fight.

“What's wrong?” Michael asked after kissing me hello. We had a breakfast date at the dining hall.
“Nothing”, I said.
“Alexis, you're lying. I can tell”, he said.
“Chelsea and I got into our fight. Our first fight.”
“You and Chelsea were friends since kindergarten and you guys just got into your first fight?”
I nodded. “We've always gotton along.”
He was quiet for a moment. “It's because of me, isn't it?” he asked softly as he grabbed my hand.
I couldn't lie to him. “Yes.”
“Makes sense.”
“She's worried about me.”
“Why?” he asked, eyes widened with curiousity.
“She's just worried that I'm jumping into this too quickly.”
“I'm sorry”.
“What are you sorry about? I'm the one that should be apologizing to you, not the other way around”, he said. He kissed my cheek.
“For telling you. We've been doing so well, so happy, and no I ruined it.”
We stopped walking. “Well, I want to know about what's going on with your life. The good, and the not so good. I'm in it with you. So, I want to meet Chelsea. That way, we can get to know each other.”
I smiled ear to ear. “You would do that, for me?”
He smiled back. “Who else would I do it for?”

After classes, I went back to my room. Chelsea was there.
“Hey”, I said.
She looked at me, but didn't answer. She didn't want to be the first to surrender. I knew that streak in her. Her stubbornness was her worst quality.
“Look I get it. I know that you're worried about me. Truth be told that if the tables were turned, that I would be worried about you. But I'm happy. I need you to respect that I'm happy now. I like him a lot. I respect where you're coming from. I love you, and I was wrong for to yell at you like the way that I did. I'm sorry for this.”
“I'm glad that you understand where I'm coming from Alexis.”
“But, you don't have to worry about me Chelsea”, I said.
“I'm your best friend”, she said. “It's part of the job. Right under getting those Best Friends Forever Alex and Anis. Wait, I just spoiled your gift for your birthday.”
“Chelsea”, I said.
“He wants to meet you.”
“Your new boyfriend?” she asked. She made a face, as if she was eating or drinking something that didn't exactly taste very well.
“Because he knows that we're extremely close. He wants you to like him.”
“I don't think that's going to happen.”
“Chelsea, why are you being so stubborn?”
“I want to like him.”
“Then what is it?”
“I just don't know about him.”
“This is your chance to get to know him”, I said.
I leaped for joy. “Yay, thanks girl!” I grabbed my purse.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“To see Michael.”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course.”
“What?” I asked, shrugging.
“Nothing,” she said.

He was waiting outside my dorm building, sitting on a bench. It was like a halo of light shining for him.
“Hey”, his deep voice said, putting out his cigarettes.
I didn't answer. Instead I kissed him.
“I could get used to this.”
“So could I.”
We spent the afternoon kissing. I didn't care who saw. We just created a perfect moment that one day we might either tell our kids the story of how their parents were college sweethearts, or regret of something that we could have lost. Either one seemed like a logical explanation.
But, right now I didn't care about logic. I just cared about how his lips tasted next to mine. I was beginning to get addicted to the taste. Logic seemed like miles and miles of light years away from today.  

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do.

 They say breaking up is hard to do. I never really believed that saying, because I was young and I never had the pleasure of that experience before. When I met John, and it was clear that he loved me just as much as I loved him, I thought that I was wearing protective padding from this feeling, the feeling of rock bottom. We were supposed to be together forever. But, one stupid action and my life was changed for the worst forever. Now, I was curled up in bed with a pint of Ben Jerry's in my hand, crying my eyes out. I was the cliché version of every chick going through a breakup. I would be mortified, but I was too upset to care. I wore nothing but sweatpants, and when I could eat, I would eat stuff that tasted good, but it seemed to settle on my stomach. I must have gained 5 pounds since that Friday two weeks ago.
Michael had left tons of messages. I didn't want to look at him, I didn't want him to look at me. I didn't want him to see me falling apart. I didn't want him to see this ghost of this girl whose in mourning of something that was. The only person that I would see was Chelsea, in addition to my classmates. I haven't gone home in weeks. My parents understood, but were concerned.
It was two weeks since that faithful day. I had went to bed at four p.m, because my homework was done, and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball for the rest of my life.
I heard a knock on the door. Thinking that it was Chelsea, forgetting her key again, I slowly got up. The knocking didn't subside. I wanted to kill her. She always forgets her key.
“Coming!” I shouted, mumbling a bunch of dumb blonde insults under my breath.
Only, when I got to the door, it wasn't Chelsea. It was Michael. I should have known by the strong scent of tobacco on his skin.
“What are you doing here?” I asked. I wasn't angry about him being there, I actually wanted to see him. I was angry at myself because I looked like a fright. I didn't want to look like a fright in front of him.
“I thought you died or something. No calls, no text messages. You haven't been hanging out with us. Alexis, I'm worried about you.”
I looked at his face. He did in fact look worried.
“And why is that?” I wanted to push him away. I knew deep down that he didn't ruin what John and I had. I did that. However, it didn't stop me from trying to escape the blame from myself.
“You know why, Alexis”.
“Because you have feelings for me?”
He nodded solemnly.
“John and I broke up a few weeks ago”.
“I figured.”
“I'm sorry.”
I looked at him, trying to unveil his true relief not sorrow of the situation.
“No really I am”.
“And why are you sorry?”
“Because it hurts you.” He inched closer to me. I didn't move.
“You wanna know something that puzzles me?”
“Yes....?” he asked, confused.
“You talked for ages about how you feel about me. But, you never ever asked me how I felt about you.”
“Really?” he said. “So now, please tell me. How do you feel about me?”
“I like you too”, I said. Then, I kissed him. My hair wasn't brushed, and I wasn't wearing any makeup. I didn't care. I liked him, I wanted to be with him. I'm pretty sure that he wanted to be with me also.
He pulled away. “Alexis?”
“Yes”, I asked softly. I was still close enough to touch his lips still.
“I'm not your rebound guy, am I?”
I thought for a second. “I can show you a hell of a lot better than I could possibly tell you.” I then leaned forward and kissed him.
That was the day that we made it official.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


 “John?” I called after him. I had never seen him quite so hurt. I never seen his eyes begin to fill with the liquid of tears. I began to run after him.
“Just friends?” he snarled.
“He kissed me! I didn't kiss him!” I said.
“You didn't stop it”, he said.
I didn't answer him. Deep down, I knew that he was right. I knew that what we had was broken, and it was all my fault. Now, I had to pay for my action. My actions destroyed a soul, a relationship, a way of life. My life with John, was ending.
“You're not saying anything because you know I'm right and you're wrong, right? You know what you did was wrong! Yet you chose to do this anyway. Alexis, you really hurt me! I can't even look at you!”
“John, I'm sorry”, I said between sobs.
He looked at me and didn't say anything. For the first time in our relationship, we were suddenly two separate souls instead of a together one. This was like the one thread that was pulled, and now that it was pulled, it was falling apart. It was like everything that was meant something would be gone forever.
I blew it. I knew I did. I was the home-wrecking husband, and he was the housewife that stayed at home tending to the house.
“You know Alexis, I thought you loved me”, he said.
“I do love you!” I pleaded.
“Then why was your lips on top of his? You looked like you were enjoying it, too. You didn't stop him. Ever since you've started college, you've changed. It's like you've turned into this new girl with a new life, and you've forgotten about me.”
“Why haven't you said something?” I asked.
“Because you deserve to grow. I always thought we would grow together. But, we're growing apart.”
“I love you”, was all that I could manage to say.
“I know you did.”
“Did?” I hissed.
“I don't think you love me anymore.”
“I think that's the stupidest think that I ever heard.”
“But that's how I feel. Are you saying that my feelings are stupid?”
“No. I just meant that it's farther then the truth”, I said.
“But, Alexis, it's true. At least look at things from where I'm standing. You hardly call me anymore. You promised me that you're going to be home every weekend, yet you only went home once. You text me, and even then it's like it was forced. It's like you want out, yet you want me to stick around.”
I didn't say anything. He was right, and I knew it.
“So..what do you want to do?” I asked. I braced myself for his answer.
“Well, I don't want to be in a relationship with a girl who doesn't love me or want to be with me. Or has time for me.”
“So, are you saying that we should break up?” I said. I already knew the answer. It's like when the teacher gives you back a test that you know that you've flunked. You knew it was coming, yet you hoped for the best.
He nodded. “Don't you? Alexis, we're different people then we were when we started dating.”
I nodded. “Yes. You don't have your long hair anymore.”
He laughed. “Well there's that. But, it's more then that. We're not connected anymore. It's like you and I are on totally different wavelengths of the spectrum. We've grown. I don't want to stand in your way. I want you to live and to be happy.”
“And you don't think I'm going to be happy with you?” I asked.
“I know I would be holding you back. And I love you way too much to see that happen”, he said.
I said nothing.
“I will always love you, Alexis”, he said. He kissed me on the cheek.
“I will always love you too”, I whispered.
“I guess I better go. I have a long drive ahead of me.”
“I guess you should”, I said, trying to mask my pain.
“So this is it”, John said.
“Yup.” I didn't know what to say. I never thought this day would come, although sometimes that we've come close. Now that it has, I wasn't sure of what my feelings were or would be. All I knew that nothing in my life would ever be the same again.
“Is it cheesy and cliché to ask you if you want to be friends?”
“Not really. However I don't think it's a good idea that we're friends. At least for now”, he said. Then he drove off, the last string of my old life falling apart. I wanted to run after him, but I realized that if it was truly worth having, then I wouldn't have to chase after it. Instead, I just stood on the grass on a cold fall day and cried. It felt like there was a hole in my chest, and a giant pit of dispair growing in the bottom of my stomach. Little did I know that wouldn't go away.  

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friends. Just Friends?

Chelsea says that every girl has to have a gay best friend. Someone to be bluntly honest with you whenever you need a straight opinion. She recently acquired one that she met in one of her classes. His name was Ricky. He wore tight skinny jeans, and bright colored sweaters. He listened to Nicki Minaj at top volume, snapping his fingers to the beat. He was going to try out for the school's dance team, and I was pretty sure that he was going to make it. He and Chelsea always were spending the mornings in the dining hall discussing clothes, shoes, and men.
John says that it's alright to have a straight guy friend. A kid that you call bro, and your relationship is strictly platonic. My friend was Michael. I've decided that he was too cool not to talk to, so I started to text him again, keeping it fairly innocent. However, the whole fact that I had a boyfriend never came up in our conversations. I knew that he wanted more then the innocent side of life, more than just friends. Whenever he sent me a winky face, a dagger stabbed me in my side, a reminder that I did have to break his heart eventually.
“Hey Chelsea?” I asked, as she came in late at night from a sorority function. I couldn't sleep, because I was wrapped in the arms of guilt.
“Hey! Why are you up so late? I expected you to be in bed right now”, she said, throwing her keys onto the desk.
“Can I talk to you for a second?”
“Sure,” she said. “Is everything okay? Is it John?”
I'm pretty sure that she secretly thought that John and I were no more.
“Yes, yes everything's fine.”
“Then what is it?”
“It's this kid. Michael is his name. I met him when I hung out with those art people a few weeks back and we clicked.”
“So you like him, like him”.
“That's not the problem”, I said dismissively. “The problem is that I want to be just friends, and he wants to be more then just friends.”
“I see. Well tell him how you feel. Unless you've subconsciously want to be more then just friends.”
I raised my eyebrow. “I just want to be friends.”
“You sure?”
“Of course I'm sure, what do you mean if I'm not sure?”
“Well, you seem like you like him.”
“Chelsea, I have a boyfriend.”
“That doesn't mean that you can't look.”
“Hey you asked for my advice, and honest opinion. That's what you get”, she said.
“Fair point. Good night!”
“Night,” she said.

The next day, John was going to come up to see me and we were going to spend the night together. The last time that we had done this was prom weekend, when we decided to spend the entire weekend together. To our parents and our peers surprise, we had not had sex. It seemed that after two years of being together, we should have lost our innocence a long time ago. But in reality, it was something that we wanted to do when we felt like it was the time and place to do so. We were too young to deal with those kinds of problems and those kinds of things, in reality.
“Hey”, a deep masculine voice purred.
I turned around. There was Michael, with his black Fedora wearing skinny jeans.
I couldn't help but smile. “Hey yourself”, I said. “What's up?”
“Just got outta class, and you?”
“Same here”, I said.
“Wanna grab something to eat?”
“Sure”, I said, then I stopped myself. “Wait, I can't”.
“Why's that?”
“My boyfriend's coming in from home.”
He look dissappointed. “You have a boyfriend?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said. Instantly, I regretted telling him. I looked at my watch and realized that I did in fact have a few minutes to kill until John was expected to arrive. “Wait, maybe we can hang out until he gets here?”
He smiled. “Good, good”, he said.
We walked together to the dining hall. My iPhone buzzed.
John: Stuck in traffic. Plan to be there soon. Stupid rush hour.
Me: Okay!
I put my phone in my pocket.
Michael looked at my narrow face. “What's wrong?”
“My boyfriend's stuck in traffic”, I said.
He pretended to mask his excitement, but failing completely. “I'm sorry.”
I shrugged, surprised that I wasn't as mad as I should be. Or sad even. I just wanted to go to the dining hall with Michael.
We grabbed ice cream cones with sprinkles and sat at the bar. We were the only two in the room, or at least it felt like it.
“So, Alexis”, he began.
“Yes?” I asked innocently.
“I think you like me.”
“Of course I do”, I said, licking my vanilla cone. “I mean I wouldn't be hanging out with you if I didn't.”
“No Alexis I don't think that you're getting the point.”
“What do you mean?”
“I like you. Like I have a crush on you. You're cute and funny, and you write amazing poetry. I wanted to ask you out today, because it feels like we have a vibe going on. But you have a boyfriend. However, you act like you're single.”
“How do I act like I'm single?” I asked with an extreme desire to kick him in the balls.
“You didn't mention your boyfriend until five minutes ago. You flirt with me”, he said.
I didn't answer because I knew he was right.
“Need I go on?” he asked me.
I froze. Ions of time seemed to pass before I could say something. Or even find something to say for that matter.
“Michael”, I finally said. “I do have a crush on you too. Like I think you are cute and adorable and I find myself wondering what it would be like to be lying next to you. But John and I have a history. We have a past. His hand held mine when I needed it most. It's grown comforting. I love him.”
“Are you in love with him?” he asked.
I didn't answer.
“I figured.”
My phone buzzed. John was almost here. “I better go”, I said. “My boyfriend is here.”
“Not so fast”, he said. “I'm walking you to your dorm.”
I didn't argue.
We chatted like nothing happened, like that conversation just vanished into thin air.
Finally we reached my dorm. I didn't want to leave him, for whatever reason humanly possible. If I didn't know any better, I would say that I liked him as more then a friend. But, I knew that people would be getting hurt if I admitted to that weird instinct.
“You know what I would do if you didn't have a boyfriend?” Michael asked.
“What?” I asked.
All of a sudden, it seemed like time stopped as our lips met. It felt like the closest thing to magic. I didn't want it to stop.
“Well now you can do it all you want-she's not my girlfriend anymore!” a voice said. I looked up. It was John.

Friday, March 29, 2013


After three weeks of classes and craziness, the piles of dirty laundry were telling me that it was time for me to go home. So, I took a train ride, back into the familiar place that used to be my home. But, I began to question, what exactly is home? Is it my dorm, or is it my home that is thirty to forty minutes away, traffic pending? Maybe I have two homes? I don't know.
In twenty minutes, I was in the train station of my hometown. I looked for my mom and dad, but they seemed to disappear in the masses.
“Hey there little girl, are you lost?” an all too familiar voice said. I turned. It was John, arms open with flowers in one hand. His hair had grown a little bit, but I always had liked his hair longer anyways. His gray eyes still pierced me the same way as they did the first time that I saw him almost three years ago.
I couldn't mask my excitement. I leaped into his arms. They were truly home. “Hey baby, what are you doing here?” I asked.
“I told your parents that I wanted to pick you up for a surprise homecoming present”, he said. “I hope that you don't mind”.
“Mind? Of course I don't mind. I'm just flabbergasted that I saw you here. I wasn't expecting this”, I said kissing him on the cheek.
“A good unexpected surprise, I hope”.
“A VERY good surprise.”
He smiled. “These are for you.” He grabbed my luggage, and then my hand.
“Thanks baby”, I said. I kissed him. I could get used to this. Coming home nearly every other weekend with my boyfriend waiting for me with flowers. It felt like it was the forties, before air travel become a popular thing.
“So what do you want to do first?” he asked as he put the bags in his Toyata Camry. “Tonight we can do whatever we want, you just name it, and we'll do it.”
My eyes lit up. “Really? Because you know there's one thing that I wanted to do. Seriously”.
“And that is...?”
“Can we go to John's Shake Shack? I have a craving for their burgers for about a week now”, I said.
He opened the tic tac green door. “Your wish is my command, my lady. This weekend, it's all about us”.
“Thank you, kind sir”, I said.
“Anything for my girl. She's home for the weekend.”
“Yes she is”, I said. My phone vibrated. Thinking it was my mom or dad wondering if I got home okay, I fished it out of my bag. It wasn't. It was Michael.
Michael: Hey I hope you have a good weekend at home, Alexis!
I quickly tossed my phone back into my bag.
“Who was that?” John asked.
I shrugged. “Just a friend from school. She just wanted to know what time the dining hall closed.”
“Ohh okay”, he said. I couldn't believe it. I had lied to the person who I always promised to tell the truth to, the one who I always was honest and faithful with, and now I just lied to his face. I think he might have known that I was lying. I'm not sure if it was because of his silence or because I was reading way too much into into this.
“Yeah”, I said. For the first time in our relationship, we have reached an awkward silence full of tension. I wasn't sure if it was because he knew I was lying or because I was doing such a lousy job of lying.
“'s senior year?” I asked trying to break the silence, tearing through the tension like a tooth that is trying to rip through your gums.
“It's going well. Between football and AP classes, I have a full plate on my hands. Oh, and trying to mask the fact that I miss my girlfriend and yet she's going out and cheating on me with some guy she just met. And she lies to me to my face about it.”
Well, now he knew that I was lying to him. “Woah, I'm NOT cheating on you.”
He held out his hand. “Then let me see your phone then.”
I grabbed onto my phone and held onto it for dear life. “No. I have the freedom to say no. It's my phone.”
“Then whose Michael?”
“You saw it?”
“Well he's just a friend. Nothing else.”
“You sure?” He asked.
“More then sure.”
“Cross your heart and hope to die?”
“Well why did you lie to me, Alexis? This relationship would only work if you're being honest with me.”
“I am!”
“Then why did you lie?” he asked.
“I didn't think you would take it well that I was friends with a guy. A straight one.”
“Well Alexis, I do expect you to talk to guys. I mean you do have them in your classes and stuff. I do expect you to have guy friends. I have girl friends. Chelsea, Kate, and Angela are my platonic girl friends. I'm totally okay with you having guy friends.”
I smiled. “Good”, I said.

Walking into my house felt like an episode of the Twilight Zone. It felt like I was walking into a stranger's house versus my own. It felt so unfamilar, so strange, so foreign.
“Alexis!” my mom said. “I heard the sound of the laundry bag!” She ran to hug me.
“Hi Mom”, I said.
“Honeybun?” my dad asked. He held in his hands a copy of the last Harry Potter novel. I can see that my dad was digging into my book collection. That was the thing that we shared-our love for books.
“Hey daddy”, I said. “Enjoying the book?”
“Yes. I'm finally finishing the last chapter. Now that I don't have you around to protect it with your life, I can read it in peace.”
“Ha ha ha very funny”.
I hugged my dad. I was always a Daddy's girl.

The weekend went by fairly quickly. It was all a blur of dates with John, and a Sunday Brunch with my parents, in addition to the awesome feeling of sleeping on a mattress that didn't have a past behind it, a story of its own to tell. Before I knew it, I was in my mom's black Jeep wrangler, on the road back to USC.
“Hey Mom?” I asked.
“Yes”, she said.
“Do you have any guy friends?”
“Yes”, she said.
“And does Dad mind?” I asked.
She shook her head. “No, not really. “Why?”
“Just asking.”
“Is John jealous of your new school friends?” She asked.
“Then why do you ask?” she asked.
“Just wondering if he should be.”
“Well it's perfectly normal for a lasting relationship to have no jealousy.”
“Okay good.”
“Unless what?” I asked.
“Unless the other person does something to cause it.”
“Oh.” I looked out the window. Coming home bought home a new set of concerns. However, coming back bought a set of newly set restrictions.
My phone buzzed. It was Michael. I pressed ignore. Suddenly, I realized that my relationship with John was too much of a gamble to lose.
I don't even want to risk it.  

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Greek Side of Life Isn't So Pretty.

The week after the first week of classes is often known as “Rush Week.” Rush Week is the sorority’s and the fraternities way of brainwashing innocent people, I mean recruiting interesting candidates to joining their group. It's kind of like the popular table in high school that you always wanted to sit in, but it was something that you couldn't join because you had some kind of flaw that leave you wondering if there's something wrong with you. There isn't, but because you don't fit into a size 0 pair of jeans, or own the 'it' item.
Sorority's are the same way. You can't join them. Oh no you can not. You have to be invited to them. So, you have to be interviewed, and go to these lame rush events, and for what? A small chance that you can't get in, and then you feel small when they walk by you on campus.
But why am I here? Chelsea dragged me here, because she didn't want to go alone. So I was forced to come to this rush event, wearing a dress of Chelsea's that didn't even fit me in the right places. I couldn't even text John, because he was out with his friends playing football. So, I was the loser sitting in the chair in the back of the room while everyone was making friends and connections. I thought about that pile of economics homework that I had to attend to when I got back, whenever I got back.
“Alexis, mingle!” Chelsea scolded. “You can't get in, unless you make friends and acquaintances.”
“Well maybe I don't want to get in”, I said, snippily.
“Alexis you need to do something other then homework and waiting for John to call”, Chelsea said. “You need friends.”
I rolled my eyes. “I have friends you know.”
A hot preppy guy came up to Chelsea. “Hey,” his deep voice said.
Chelsea turned to him, smiling. “Hey hot stuff”, she said.
“So, is you and your friend single?”
“She is, but I'm not”, I piped in.
“Hmmmm”, he said. “Would you like to take a walk with me? I want to show you the view”.
She smiled. “What does this view of yours look like?”
He cracked a smile too. I felt like I was in the middle of a scene from 50 Shades of Grey. I wanted to run to my shower fully clothed. God only knows what the 'view' really looks like. Even if there was a view, which there probably wasn't.
“Why don't we go and find out together”, his deep voice said. “That is, if you can leave your friend alone”.
She batted her hand, as if she were hitting that thought. “I think she'll be fine”, she said. Then they walked off holding hand and hand leaving Alexis the loser alone staring at her phone waiting for her boyfriend to text her back.
“Your friend left you too, huh?” a scared little voice asked.
I turned. There stood a girl with long red hair with a purple streak in it. She wore a black dress which matched her charcoal colored eyeliner. She wore plum colored nail polish, which matched the streak in her hair.
I sighed. “Yes, I guess that's what's happened here.”
“Mine did too about a half hour ago with some Abercrombie model. Funny how I was forced here, now I'm ditched.”
I laughed. “That's my life story for tonight. My name's Alexis. And yours?”
She reached out for a handshake. “Nice to meet you. I'm Viola.”
“Nice to meet you Viola”, I said. I then had an idea. “Hey, why don't we blow this Popsicle stand and go somewhere where we can have fun? Actual fun, not the whole sit around and mingle with bleach blonde bimbos getting more and more drunk by the minute?”
“Girl, you read my mind. My soul is dying in here”, she said.
I laughed.

We ended up at the campus dining hall. We were pretty much the only people that were in there because it was almost ten o'clock at night. We grabbed vanilla cupcakes with snow white frosting and sprinkles that looked like confetti on top of the cupcake.
“So, Alexis is it. Tell me your story”, she said as she liked the frosting off of her cupcake.
“Well there's not much to tell. I have a boyfriend named John, who I've been going out with for the last two years. I'm a Psychology major, and that's about it. And you?”
“My name's Viola. I'm a vegan art history major whose trying to find herself. And I hate sorority row with a burning passion. However my roommate thinks that I don't get out enough so here we are today. She's a blonde Barbie prom queen. I can't believe that the school actually thought that we would get along.”
I laughed. “You picked the random roommate thing, didn't you?”
“Yes. Worst mistake ever”.
“Why?” I asked.
“She's too perfect for me. I need someone whose flawed. Seriously no human is perfect. I can't wait until next semester when I can room with Autumn.”
“Yeah, she's in my art class, and perhaps one of the more cooler people on campus that I've ever met. She's not lame and cares about the Greek societies that mean absolutely nothing in life. Unless you count finger sandwiches and diet tips to be important.”
I laughed. “It's true.”
“Hey why don't you join us one day? Every Wednesday after art a bunch of people and I get together and get coffees and bagels and stuff.”
“What time?” I asked.
“Around five thirty”, she said. “You free?”
“Yeah”, I said.
“Good”, she said smiling. “Meet me at the campus cafe this Wednesday!”
“I'll be there”, I said, happy that finally I had friends.

Wednesday came. Chelsea was getting ready for a date with the frat dude, whose name was Kyle. Honestly, she looked like one of those girls who were the popular girls on the Full House episode when DJ went to junior high school. It was 80's night. She had been asked and accepted to the sorority and was soon to become a sister.
“So I don't know when I'll be coming home tonight”, she said adding a fourth layer of hairspray. “So don't wait up”.
I looked up from a text to John. “Actually, I have plans of my own tonight.”
She looked shocked and happy for me. “Really?”
I shrugged. “Yup.”
“With who?”
“Remember Viola? She was at the Rush Event on Monday when I went with you.”
“The redhead?”
“Yes”, I said. “She's really cool.”
“Cool,” she said. “I'm glad that you've finally met some people that you can hang out with. It's not healthy for you to just hang out in this room all day.”
“I know.”
“Tell John I said hi?”
“Of course.”
“Alright, well I'll see you later.”
“Have fun, and be careful!”
She slammed the door. She always hated it when I told her to be careful. But, I always worried that she would end up somewhere with danger.
I texted John while doing my homework for about an hour. Finally it was a few minutes before five. Time to hit the campus cafe, and meet my new artsy friends. Hopefully, they won't bite or anything.
The campus cafe was the only place on campus that served coffee. Therefore it was the only place that the hipsters gathered to either study or blog about how horrible their lives were. Either way, I wasn't surprised that the place was packed with people with giant glasses and tight jeans.
“Alexis!” I heard my name ring through the coffee shop. I looked up quickly. There was Viola who waved at me, and was sandwiched between a girl with a blonde bob and a vintage swing dress, and a guy with giant glasses and a jet black fedora. He was smoking a cigarette. “We're over here!”
I quickly joined them, and ignored the glares of the many faces who looked like they couldn't get disturbed from their laptop. Seriously, if I accidentally bump into you while you're typing something doesn't mean that you can give me a dirty look. I wondered if it was in the coffee shop book of ethics. Is that between thou shall only drink coffee, or between thou shall only wear glasses similar to ones our parents wore in the 80s.
“Hey everyone I want you to meet someone”, Viola said, hugging me. “Alexis, this is my friends Autumn and Michael. Guys, this is Alexis”.
“Nice to meet you”, I said, sitting down in the empty seat.
“Can I get you coffee or something?” Michael asked.
“No thank you. I don't drink coffee”.
“Really?” he said. “Just you wait. By the end of first semester, you'll be an addict like the rest of us”.
“I highly doubt that. The taste is too dark for me.”
“And how will you survive going to class after an all nighter?”
“I think I'll survive just fine with my hot cocoa thank you very much”.
He cracked a smile while tossing the cigarette in the ash tray. “You just wait and see, kid. You'll be one of us really soon.”
“And you'll be proven wrong”.
“You'll see”.
“Yes you will”.
He held his gaze a tad bit longer then necessary. If I didn't have a boyfriend, then I probably would have tried to get his number. But the vibration from my bag was the reminder that I did have one.
The conversation flowed easily. I could see myself quickly calling them my clique. However, so did the vibrations from my phone. After five vibrations in five minutes, I grabbed my phone out of the purse ready to throw it.
It was Chelsea. She said come back. Twenty five times.
“Uhm guys I have to go. It seems like my roommate is having a crisis,” I said. I quickly grabbed my bag, ready to dodge the hipster's evil glares.
“Here,” Michael said as he put a five on the table. “I'll walk with you.”
“See you guys next week?” Autumn asked.
“Of course!” I said. “It was nice meeting you!”
“You too!” she said.
We wove through the webs of hipsters. As soon as he went outside he lit a cigarette.
“So, Alexis. Do you like being called Lexi?”
I nodded. “Not really, no.”
“Okay, Alexis it is.”
“Do you like being called Mike?”
He shook his head. “Just as much as you like being called Lexi, my dear”.
“So I would assume it to be a negative?”
“For once, someone assumes correct.”
“So tell me about yourself, Alexis not Lexi.”
“There's not much to tell. I'm a psychology major who wants to help children. And you, Mr. Michael not Mike?”
“I'm an undeclared. But come on, tell me more about yourself. I'm sure there's more to you then your major.”
“Yes.” I said, pointing to the brick building that was my dorm. “This is where I live. I'll see you.”
“Wait!” he called.
“Yeah”, I said.
“Can I at least have your number”.
Without thinking about what this would do to John, I quickly gave it to him, assuming that he was solely a friend.
“Bye Alexis not Lexi.”
“Bye, Michael.”
I quickly ran inside trying not to think about what just happened. Had I implied that I was a free single bird, when in reality I wasn't?
I couldn't think about it now. I opened my door, and found Chelsea in the corner, curled up in a tiny ball crying.
“What's wrong?” I asked. I've never seen this girl cry before, not even when her childhood dog died. And I've known her since we were in preschool.
“He used me to add notches in his belt. His frat brothers..they..they want you to sleep with five girls before he can be one of those jerks. I..I...I was number three...I...I...I..I can't believe him”.
“Awww Chelsea,” I said hugging her. “It's going to be okay. I'm right here. Guys like that are just jerks.”
“That's all I was to him...A number.”
I sighed. This was the Greek side of life. And sometimes, this side of life wasn't pretty.  

Friday, March 15, 2013

It's all a Balancing Act.

They say that too much of anything can be a bad thing. Too much sugar can cause diabetes. Too much french fries can lead to heart disease. Too much alcohol can lead to bad karaoke sessions, when the tone deaf think that they can sing Celine Dion. Too much chocolate, although you are left in heaven can lead to zit city on your forehead.
One of the things that I've read in the Freshman 15 article in Seventeen is that college is a balancing act as well. Too much food at the dining hall can lead to you being a victim of the Freshman 15 curse.
Today was the first day of classes. The first day of school back in high school was the day when you can reunite with all of your friends, and talk about your attempts to get the hot lifeguard to notice you,and whether or not it worked. If you were in a relationship, then you told the stories of what you did with your boyfriend. You wore a crisp new pair of jeans, and carried a new backpack. In college, things were different. You just woke up and went to class, sometimes you just wake up and go. It's a whole different fishbowl then the halls of high school.
My alarm went off at seven. I could hear Chelsea groan. “It's too early,” she mumbled under the pillow.
“Maybe if someone wasn't spending all night in the frat house..”
“Don't give me that”, she mumbled. “You know if you didn't have John, then you would have been there with me. Come on, admit it, you're jealous”.
I threw a pillow at her. “I love John. I wouldn't do anything to change our relationship. Or ruin it for that matter.”
“Sure, that's what you think. But are you sure that's what you want to do? You're in college. You only college once.”
I rolled my eyes. “YOLO? Really?”
“Well, it's true.”
“I never thought something so true can be something so annoying”, I said.
“THE TRUTH HURTS BITCH!” she shouted as I headed towards the showers.

Two hours later, I found myself waiting outside a classroom. I had arrived early, because I thought it was expected. But, there was a class already in there, so I was sitting on the floor, waiting for John to text me back. He probably was asleep. College started a week before high school. Ironically, we get more time off, and longer vacations then they did. I wondered why that was.
I stared awkwardly at my phone for what seemed like eternity. No one texted me, other then my dad who wanted to wish me luck on my very first day of school. I wondered what was going through his head. He probably had flashbacks on his first day of kindergarten.
A girl with long blonde hair and large sunglasses sat next to me. Immediately, she whipped out her phone before I could even make eye contact.
I decided to take the initive to say hello. It's either that, or stare at the phone that wouldn't ring. “Hi, are you here for Math 101?” I asked, nervously.
She looked up. “Yeah, I guess”, she said, and then she went back to her texting. I wondered what was so important that she clearly couldn't say hello. I went back to staring at my phone.
Five minutes later, the class left the room. I stayed awkwardly in the hallway, because I didn't know what to do. Do I go in? Do I wait for the professor, and then go in? Or do I awkwardly sit in the hallway waiting for some sort of invitation to go in?
The snotty looking girl went in. Therefore, I decided to follow suit. And then we went in, sitting on two different ends of the classroom. I wondered if where you sat entailed the kind of student that you are. In high school, the nerds always sat in the front, and the popular kids always sat in the back texting their best friends and flipping their hair.
I sat in the safe middle area. A few minutes later, a woman who looked like she can wear the witch costume with ease entered. I wondered if she rode a broom instead of driving a car. She looked like Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter. She smiled, and slightly resembled a troll. She had mid length curly blond hair and a smile that resembled a frog's. She must have been the teacher. It was safe to assume since she looked older then us.
Ten minutes later, the classroom filled up with people, all of them looking older then me. They were all strangers, and I didn't know a single face. Another difference from high school. There was always a familiar face in the crowd. Here, I didn't know a single one. It was like I was in binary code, and they were the zeros and the ones.
“Good morning class!”
We groaned and mumbled good morning. This teacher must have had three cups of coffee before coming here. With lots of sugar.
“Class, that's not good enough. You guys need to be enthusiastic! Now say it again.”
“Good morning, Professor!” we said, although I'm sure that ninety percent of the class was leaking sarcasm through their voice.
“Good! Now let's get started..”

Three hours later, I was done with my first day of college. I had three classes today. Three classes of going through syllabuses, learning the rules and regulations of every teacher. They all acted like they were my only class, like I had no other life and story other then their classroom. I felt overwhelmed.
“What's going on with you?” Chelsea asked, as I entered our dorm room.
“Class, that's what.”
“That bad, huh?” she asked. Her classes didn't start for another hour or so. She had all afternoon classes. And none on Fridays. I was so jealous of her schedule.
“The worst. It seems like every teacher thinks that their class is the only thing going on in my life. It's like that for every class. I have so much homework that I can't see or breathe through the pile of homework that was in front of me. It feels like it's crushing me, Chels, and I don't know what to do. I won't have enough time for John, or a life for that matter.”
“Girl, relax”, Chelsea said.
“How can I relax? These are supposed to be the best years of my life, not the most stressful ones.”
“They will be”, Chelsea said.
“It's all a balancing act. It's only your first day. It will get better”, she said.
“How do you know?” I asked.
“Because there are so many college graduates out there. Don't you think that they had their share of bad days as well as the good ones?”
“Fair point.”
“Good”, she said. “Tomorrow will be so much better. We have a class together, so at least you know someone. Now if you excuse me, I have to go to my first class. I want to get a new seat-next to a hot boy!” She grabbed her Chanel tote, ebony black with the snow white “C” on it.
I laughed, and plopped down at my bed. Wherever the hot boys were, so was Chelsea. She was a natural born flirt, and usually that resulted in her favor. Traffic tickets? Never had to worry about that. She had the sheriff wrapped around her little finger. I wondered if that was part of being blonde-having the confidence to flirt with anyone that crossed in her path. I wondered if they sold it in a bottle.
I looked at the dresser. They did sell that in a bottle. Chanel No. 5

The next day began another set of classes. The only plus side to that was that I had a class with Chelsea. On our way there, there was this kid. He was kind of nerdy looking, with giant hipster glasses. He was wearing a dark navy polo shirt, the kind of navy that looks almost like it's black. He was listening to an iPhone and had giant beats by doctor dre.
I looked over to see what he was listening to. Dream On by Aerosmith. (Which is my favorite band of all time.)
Suddenly, I realized that this wasn't going to be not too bad after all.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Two Months Later:
It was the night before I was to move into our dorm. Naturally, I was spending it with John. We were spending it like we were filming it the music video to Carrie Underwood's The Night Before Life Goes On.
We walked around the town, one last spin, feeling like we owned it. We went to the place where we first kissed, the diner where we had our first date, and the park where we often went after school. These places were apart of our two year history together. Now, it was time for us to reach that critical point when all boundaries were tested. Could we truly be together even when we were destined to be apart. We used to see each other everyday. Now we would be lucky if we could see each other once a week.
We began to walk the familiar path in. He held my hand, not saying anything. I didn't either. The silence was enough for now.
We reached my snow white colonial house.
“So this is it”, he said softly. I couldn't detect any emotion in his voice.
“This is it”, I said.
“Do I say goodbye?”
I nodded. “I don't think of this as a goodbye. I think of this as a see you later kind of thing.”
He put his arms around me. “Plus”, I added. “I'll only be an hour away from here. That's with traffic. With out traffic you're looking at a half of an hour to 45 minutes”.
“Do they allow boys to visit?” he asked.
“I go to a state school. Of course, they allow you to visit. Of course, you have to have a valid license, which you have so we don't have to worry about them letting you in or anything.”
“And you'll be home almost every weekend?” he asked carefully.
I nodded. “Not EVERY weekend, but close to it.”
“Good”, he said, smiling. “Don't be a stranger.”
I smiled, and kissed him, the last bittersweet kiss until God knows when. I'm not going to be sad, I told myself.
“I love you. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon”, he said, letting go of his hand. It wasn't gone for a whole two seconds, and I already missed the reassuring weight of his hand over mine. It was a comfort to know that I wasn't alone in the world. Now, I was going to be alone in this world, and that comfort wasn't going to be there for me to hold.

The next day, we packed Dad's red Volvo station wagon. Most of the contents of my room, ranging from school supplies to stuffed animals have been packed into the surface area of the square trunk. My entire life was in dark brown cardboard boxes. It was ready to see its new home. I was ready to see it's new home.
“Ready?” Mom asked as she got into the front seat.
“Yes”, I said. “I'm surprised that you didn't bring the camera.”
“Oh don't worry”, Dad said as he was pulling out. “That's why they invented cell phones for.”
I rolled my eyes as we passed out of town limits. It was past all of the things that used to scare me. Now they seemed so little, so insignificant. I wonder if it's because I've gotten bigger, or I've grown up. This was the beginning of the newest stage of my life. The trees on the highway began to pass by me, slowly disappearing. The sunshine bathed me, and I began to soak in it's rays through the window.
Finally we pulled up to where I would be spending the next four years. The academic buildings were fairly new with modern architecture, and clear windows that the sun reflected on, and had yet to be scratched by years of use. The resident halls were behind them, in their own little alcove on campus.
Dad parked the Volvo under a tree. I got out of the car, and began to take in my surroundings. The day was beautiful, no clouds littered the sky. Kids, some looking like they were still in middle school, others looked like they should be in grad school or that they should be joining the workforce instead of moving into a dorm had something in their hands, ranging from boxes, to stuffed animals, to other personal items. Some even had backpacks that looked like they were loaded with rocks.
Dad opened the trunk. “Have you heard from Chelsea?” he asked, grabbing one of the heavier boxes.
I glanced at my snow white iPhone. “Nope”, I said, grabbing my duffle bag.
“Where's your residence hall?” Mom asked, taking one of the boxes.
I got the notice out of my pocket. “I'm in...” I scanned the map. “I'm in Brownstone.” I got the map out of my other pocket. “Of course, it's the farthest one away from here.”
We began to walk. Dad began to ramble about why there should be all girl dorms with no male visitors allowed whatsoever, while Mom assured him that John wouldn't like it very much. John, who felt like a whole different world away from here. I wondered what he was doing now. His senior year would be starting tomorrow. Did he have his AP work done? Was he ready to begin to look at what would be his new start? Would that future include me?
Unfortunately, I didn't have that much time to think about this. A perky, peppy, bleach blonde wearing a USC T-Shirt and booty shorts stood in front of the building greeted us. “Welcome to USC, home of the Trojans!” she exclaimed. “Be a part of the USC community! Be sure to get involved!” Well she seemed obnoxious.
“My name is Mandy and I'm going to be your RA”, she said, shaking my hand. Oh great, I thought. It would be one long semester with Dolly Sunshine.
“Hi Mandy!” my dad shook her hand. He seemed a little too excited too see her. I hope Mom didn't see him.
“What's your name?” she asked. I felt like I was a cute little dog that you find on the street, and you ooh and ahh at it condescendingly. I'm a person, not a dog damn it.
I smiled politely. “Alexis. I'm in room 224.”
“Do you need help finding it?” she asked.
“No. But if I do, I know where to find you.”
She opened her mouth in shock. I'm sorry Blondie, but not everyone isn't as dim as you, I thought as I pressed the button to open the elevator.
As I found my room, I realized that life was similar to opening and closing doors. Like when you get married. The most common practice was to get carried through the threshold. More often then not, we don't know what's behind those doors.
My room door was open. Behind my door, was Chelsea.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A New Slate

The high school concert band was playing Pomp and Circumstance a beat that we were marching to as we stepped onto the football field. The weather was bright and sunny, the blank canvas to a brand new day. Today was the last day most of us would see each other. The last day that we would see the bitchy popular girls who thought they owned the frickin’ school, the last time we would see the theater kids before they got famous, and the last time we would see the jocks get away with murder. Today is the day when we would scatter, some would stay close to home, others would be going to further heights. We would call this place our hometown, the place where our roots were planted.
The ceremony lasted about an hour. Richard Bush, the nerdy valedictorian spoke in terms that we didn’t understand. The principal told us weird antidotes, in addition to giving us little stones of wisdom. We got our diplomas, then tossed our hats, as they shot into the air like sprinkles on a cupcake. And then, it was over. We graduated high school.
“Alexis!” a deep masculine voice called, running towards me. The tall dark figure was my boyfriend John. He held grape purple flowers in one arm, and his other arm was open wide for me to fit into.
“Hey baby”, I said, kissing his smooth lips.
“Hey Miss High School graduate, these are for you”, he said handing them to me. “Congratulations”.
I kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you”, I said.
He held me. “I love you”, he said kissing me again.
I smiled. “I love you too”.
I was then greeted by my family. My mother's pump cheeks were tear-stained, my dad held the jet black Nikon camera. We posed in a few pictures, in every combination humanly possible.
“ALLLLLEEEEEXXXIIIISSSS!” I heard my name in a high pitched scream that was none other then Chelsea, my best friend. “We did it, bitch!”
A tall and thin blonde figure raced across the field. She had taken the motorboard off her head, and held it in her left hand. You can see the simple black dress that was underneath the unflattering bright red gown that the girls had to wear. Her long blond hair was long and straight and flowed down to her mid-ab area.
“Hey Chelsea”, I said, laughing, and gave her a hug.
“We FINALLY graduated!” she squealed, bouncing up and down.
“Yes”, I said. “Next stop USC!”
“Yes, roomie!”
Chelsea and I were going to go to USC together in the fall. We had decided to be roommates, because since we both were going to the same school why not room with someone you knew rather then a perfect stranger. Besides, what's better then rooming with your best friend?
We posed for a picture, one that would go next all of the ones that we've taken at prom, our eighth grade promotion, and our first day of kindergarten.
“Now Chelsea, keep an eye on my girl”, John said matter of factly as he put his arm around my waist.
She laughed. “I make no promises.” She turned to me. “College is going to be crazy, girl!”
I grinned. “You know it”.
“Not too crazy”, my dad said, giving me a stern look. “Ready to go, Alexis? We have reservations in a half of an hour”.
I nodded yes. We began to walk out. I took one last look at the school. I remembered when I thought that it was so big. I was once intimidated by this building. Now it looked so small. I had conquered the tribulations of high school, and I was ready to move on to the University of Southern California with Chelsea by my side.
Yes. My slate was wiped clean today, ready to be written with in new words.