Monday, May 13, 2013

Is There Room For Me On Cloud Nine?

Ahh, Cloud Nine. It's the place where couples go when they first get together, and lie together. They act like there's no wrong in the world, and that they could have never face the wrongs of the world when they have each other. Couples stay there for what could be forever. They go mad, forgetting their cares, worries and responsibilities. Their life now consists of that person, forever. Escaping back to the cold harsh reality may forever scare them so they stay when they are safe and comfortable.
Michael and I met at our usual spot. We go there after classes to escape the crowding of the campus, to truly be alone. We usually made out, never really able to find the words to figure out how they really feel. Our lips did all of the talking and boy, oh boy, we were having a wonderful conversation.
“So”, I said, pulling away from his lips.
“So”, he said, leaning in to kiss me again.
“When are you going to meet Chelsea?”
He kissed me, clearly avoiding the subject. I pulled away again.
“Baby, I'm serious,” I said. “She really wants to meet you. I really want to her to meet you. It's a big deal to me.”
“I know”, he said. He sighed. “It's just I'm not sure that she'd like me.”
“Of course she'll like you”, I assured him.
“I'm not so sure, baby”, he said.
I smiled and kissed his cheek. I liked when he called my baby. It made the little hairs on my arm stand up. “I think she will. The longer you procrastinate, the worst of you will be, you know.”
He glared at me playfully. “It's meeting your friend, not waiting until the last minute to write a ten page paper, Alexis.”
“Please, baby”, I pleaded, my eyes were wide and innocent like a puppy's.
“Alright”, he said. “I have to watch out for those eyes. Their dangerous!”
I chuckled. “I have a weapon, and I know how to use it.”
He smiled. “You always know how to play on my Archille's Heal.”
I smiled. “I'm your weakness?”
He blushed, his pale snow white cheeks filling with rose color. “Yes, you're my weakness.” We kissed.
My phone began to vibrate endlessly. It's been doing that for the last twenty minutes. I thought that it was dead or something.
“Babe, you better get that”, Michael said.
I rolled my eyes. “Fine”, I said. I clicked the home button on my iPhone. It wasn't the battery. It was Chelsea. Twenty messages, half of them asking where was I, in addition to two missed calls.
Then, it dawned on me. I was supposed to meet her ten minutes ago. Crap.
“Babe, I gotta go”, I said, as I frantically gathered my stuff.
“Go?” he said. “Where do you have to go?” He looked confused.
“I was supposed to meet Chelsea ten minutes ago.”
“Oh”, he said.
He said nothing as I rushed.
I was about three yards away from him when I suddenly heard him call my name frantically. I turned.
He smiled my favorite smile of his. “Just say when.”
I looked at him, confused.
“To meet Chelsea. Like you said, she's important. If she's important to you, then she's important to me as well.”
I smiled. “Thank you”, I said.

I found Chelsea by the dining hall, with an annoyed expression plastered on her face. Not that I blamed her, because I was the one that was late. I had broken the girl code.
“Where the hell were you?” she asked. “We ALWAYS have plans to go for lunch!” She took one look at my red rosy cheeks. “Oh, you met with the art dude.” The art dude, meaning Michael.
“Sorry. I lost track of time”, I said.
“Geez. It's like you've gone mad ever since you've started going out with that hipster dude it's like it's consumed you completely. It's all you care about. Is there room for me on cloud nine, Alexis?”
“I said I was sorry.”
She sighed. “It's whatever. Let's go eat. I'm starving and I have class in a half of an hour.”
“Chelsea”, I said.
“Yes”, she said. Her harsh expression was beginning to melt like an ice cream cone left out on a hot summer day.
“He wants to meet you.”
“He does, does he?” she asked, swiping her card.
“Yes”, I said, following suite.
“Okay, tell him to come by tomorrow.”
And all of a sudden, I realized that my actions had consequences. I realized that I was living in a world with only Michael being the center, being the sun and moon. And that wasn't a relationship. That was just simply lust.
I think it was time for me to check out of my room at Hotel Cloud Nine.

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