Friday, April 26, 2013


The beginning of a new relationship always reminded me of spring. It reminded me of a new beginning. It was like a blank notebook when there wasn't any ink to darken the pages, just blank smoothness.
Dating Michael was different then dating John. John and I were that couple that everyone knew that they would automatically get there and have the kids. Our high school classmates used to laugh and say “see you at the wedding.” Michael and I were looked at the new hipster couple on campus.
“You bounce back fast”, Chelsea said one night, as I got in. She was painting her nails a dark mocha color. It was perfect for fall.
“You're the one that wanted to me to live the single life”, I said. “And also, you were the one that literally pushed me out of bed. Don't you remember that?”
“I also figured you weren't going to be with a rebound guy so quickly.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” I asked.
“Nothing, just nothing.”
“You know Chelsea, if you have something to say you better just say it!” I shouted.
“Shhh, Alexis. It's quiet hours now remember.”
“Fine.” I talked in a more calm manner. “If you have something to say to me about my life, which is mine, you better just say it. I don't say anything about your lifestyles, and I really would like it if you would respect my life.”
“I respect you Alexis.”
“Then what?”
“I'm just worried about you.”
“Why?” he asked.
“It's like you've forgotten about John,” she said. “You went to mourning him to drowning yourself into this new guy. Who I've never even met, but I can tell you that he's not good for you. Alexis, he smokes cigarettes! That's bad!”
“What he does isn't your business, Chelsea.”
“What you do is.”
“Is not.”
“Is too. Alexis, you're like my sister. I can't help but worry when something happens to you. I want to help try to prevent it.”
“What I do, and mostly importantly who I'm with doesn't concern you.”
“Fine”, I snapped. I didn't speak to her for the rest of the night. That was our first fight.

“What's wrong?” Michael asked after kissing me hello. We had a breakfast date at the dining hall.
“Nothing”, I said.
“Alexis, you're lying. I can tell”, he said.
“Chelsea and I got into our fight. Our first fight.”
“You and Chelsea were friends since kindergarten and you guys just got into your first fight?”
I nodded. “We've always gotton along.”
He was quiet for a moment. “It's because of me, isn't it?” he asked softly as he grabbed my hand.
I couldn't lie to him. “Yes.”
“Makes sense.”
“She's worried about me.”
“Why?” he asked, eyes widened with curiousity.
“She's just worried that I'm jumping into this too quickly.”
“I'm sorry”.
“What are you sorry about? I'm the one that should be apologizing to you, not the other way around”, he said. He kissed my cheek.
“For telling you. We've been doing so well, so happy, and no I ruined it.”
We stopped walking. “Well, I want to know about what's going on with your life. The good, and the not so good. I'm in it with you. So, I want to meet Chelsea. That way, we can get to know each other.”
I smiled ear to ear. “You would do that, for me?”
He smiled back. “Who else would I do it for?”

After classes, I went back to my room. Chelsea was there.
“Hey”, I said.
She looked at me, but didn't answer. She didn't want to be the first to surrender. I knew that streak in her. Her stubbornness was her worst quality.
“Look I get it. I know that you're worried about me. Truth be told that if the tables were turned, that I would be worried about you. But I'm happy. I need you to respect that I'm happy now. I like him a lot. I respect where you're coming from. I love you, and I was wrong for to yell at you like the way that I did. I'm sorry for this.”
“I'm glad that you understand where I'm coming from Alexis.”
“But, you don't have to worry about me Chelsea”, I said.
“I'm your best friend”, she said. “It's part of the job. Right under getting those Best Friends Forever Alex and Anis. Wait, I just spoiled your gift for your birthday.”
“Chelsea”, I said.
“He wants to meet you.”
“Your new boyfriend?” she asked. She made a face, as if she was eating or drinking something that didn't exactly taste very well.
“Because he knows that we're extremely close. He wants you to like him.”
“I don't think that's going to happen.”
“Chelsea, why are you being so stubborn?”
“I want to like him.”
“Then what is it?”
“I just don't know about him.”
“This is your chance to get to know him”, I said.
I leaped for joy. “Yay, thanks girl!” I grabbed my purse.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“To see Michael.”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course.”
“What?” I asked, shrugging.
“Nothing,” she said.

He was waiting outside my dorm building, sitting on a bench. It was like a halo of light shining for him.
“Hey”, his deep voice said, putting out his cigarettes.
I didn't answer. Instead I kissed him.
“I could get used to this.”
“So could I.”
We spent the afternoon kissing. I didn't care who saw. We just created a perfect moment that one day we might either tell our kids the story of how their parents were college sweethearts, or regret of something that we could have lost. Either one seemed like a logical explanation.
But, right now I didn't care about logic. I just cared about how his lips tasted next to mine. I was beginning to get addicted to the taste. Logic seemed like miles and miles of light years away from today.  

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